Investing in a home you own might be one of your…

Why It Is Important To Keep A Home Contents Inventory List
Do you know the worth of all your possessions? You can probably identify some big items and their worth but you may never establish the cumulative worth of your assets without a comprehensive list.
Developing a home inventory is an excellent way of establishing what you own along with their value. You’ll also discover that a comprehensive list gives you access to serial numbers and other significant details on the valuable items.
A home inventory comprises detailed videos or photos and descriptions of your personal property. You must maintain one for these reasons:
Adequate Coverage
An inventory can help you establish whether you have sufficient insurance coverage. In the event that you discover it doesn’t cover everything, an inventory can facilitate the application for aid or deduction of unreimbursed losses from your taxes in case of a disaster.
Having an accurate inventory list of your possessions also enables you to engage your company representative or insurance agent in a productive conversation when making decisions regarding renters or homeowners coverage.
After all, you can’t possibly insure your items adequately if you don’t know what you own. It’s also important to note that high-value possessions require a special rider. Therefore, you must go beyond a typical home policy.
Otherwise, in case a break-in or natural disaster leaves your items damaged or stolen, an insurance claim will be insufficient. To develop a basic inventory, experts propose that homeowners simply make a list of their items and their approximated value and find a safe storage.
It’s important you get in the habit of taking photographs and saving receipts when purchasing valuable items. In case there’s no receipt, serial numbers and credit card bill will be useful.
Financial Planning
An inventory can provide important information for your financial planner, giving you an easy way of tracking your net worth overall.
Consequently, the inventory together with other asset information, for instance retirement accounts, stock certificates, brokerage accounts, and other financial assets will help you keep track of your intangible and tangible valuables.
Besides giving your adviser an inclusive picture of your assets, your inventory can provide other financial benefits. For instance, a total asset breakdown can prove useful in the development of wills.
This way, beneficiaries will obtain any inheritances as per your wishes. An inventory can also help you document any upgrades and improvements to your home possibly enhancing the appraisal value.
Prompt Claim Settlement
Filing a claim with your insurer can be tedious because the claim adjustor will want to know everything you had that was damaged or lost.
Bear in mind that if you can’t provide a thorough list, it can make the process of establishing a value harder. Furthermore, you might end up losing money that’s rightfully yours.
Although an inventory requires some work, it’s an excellent preventative measure to help ensure a precise and prompt settlement. In case of a disaster or crisis, an inventory can make a tough situation somewhat easier to handle.
Furthermore, you’ll discover it’s easier to complete in advance than try to generate one when experiencing emotional stress after a loss. You’ll also have an easier time getting your life back together after the claim settlement.
Establish Replacement Cost
An inventory helps you identify a replacement cost for your possessions. While home and renters insurance offer a wide protection for you and your property, there’s a dollar limit for amounts payable for your property and for specific types of property (for instance business property).
Final Thoughts
While no one likes the idea of focusing on destructive or disastrous events that might occur to your home, the reality is that we must prepare for that possibility. As such, it’s important you maintain a detailed inventory list that will offer these benefits during unforeseen circumstances.