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Car Insurance Agency Announces Presence In Social Media Sites
AC Insurance Services, based in West Palm Beach, FL, has announced that they are now available on Facebook, as well as Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. The Facebook page, while only recently launched, has already attracted a lot of likes. The company, with a website at AC Insurance Services, is using it to discuss vital insurance industry news and to share information.
“We are so happy to now have an active presence on social media,” says Pete Steiner from AC Insurance Services. “It really feels like we have entered the 21st century. And to see so many of our clients already joining us on Facebook, talking to us about their needs and wishes, is wonderful.”
The company provides a range of different insurance products. While car insurance is one of their most popular insurance service, they also offer home owners insurance, business insurance and marine insurance. Their goal is to find the most discounted rates for each of their clients, and this is something that has made them very popular.
“I researched all insurance company quotes for the best deal, and I found some great rates,” says Scott S. on Facebook. “Peter Steiner beat them all from auto to property to commercial. I was so impressed with not only the rates but the customer service and the client contact. I strongly recommend AC Insurance for anyone looking to save money and maintain a great relationship with their agent. Thanks Pete.”
The new Facebook page is proving to be very popular, mainly because it shares information about the world of insurance. Many people find the rules, regulations and policies within this world hard to understand. As a result, they are often driven solely by price, and not by best coverage. As such, they usually end up with packages that are not truly suitable to their needs, which is something that AC Insurance Services wants to help them avoid, while at the same time remaining committed to offering them the best possible prices on their policies. They encourage everyone to use their Contact Us page in order to request further information on the best coverage for their needs.
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